Closer Look at How South Africa’s Latest Budget Affects Business Owners and Their Families

In a pivotal move that sets the tone for South Africa's fiscal year 2024/25, Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana's budget speech has introduced a series of tax proposals poised to reshape the landscape for business owners and their families across the nation. Amidst the backdrop of economic recalibration, these proposals offer a blend of challenges and opportunities, warranting a deep dive into their potential impacts.

A Tightrope Walk: Tax Bracket Adjustments

In an unexpected twist, the budget foregoes adjustments to personal income tax brackets for inflation, a decision that may silently tighten the financial belts of many business owners. This stagnation, while ostensibly leaving rates unchanged, effectively increases the tax burden as individuals' real income grows, pushing them into higher tax brackets without corresponding relief. The move calls for a strategic reassessment of financial planning, urging taxpayers to brace for potentially higher liabilities.

The Health Cost Conundrum: Medical Tax Credits

Static medical tax credits amidst rising healthcare costs could strain families further, reducing the buffer against medical expenses. This unchanged stance, coupled with the inflationary pressures on healthcare services, might compel individuals to seek alternative ways to mitigate healthcare costs, possibly through increased investment in private health insurance or health savings accounts.

Sin Taxes and Fuel Levies: A Mixed Bag for Businesses

The hike in excise duties on alcohol and tobacco presents a nuanced challenge, particularly for businesses in the hospitality and retail sectors. While aiming to address public health concerns, these increases could dampen consumer spending in these categories. Conversely, the decision to hold fuel levies steady offers a sliver of relief for businesses reliant on logistics and transportation, stabilising operational costs amidst fluctuating oil prices.

Global Minimum Tax: A New Frontier for Multinationals

The implementation of a global minimum corporate tax rate of 15% marks a significant pivot towards curtailing tax base erosion and profit shifting. This global initiative, aimed at ensuring multinationals pay their fair share, requires businesses operating across borders to navigate a complex web of tax obligations, potentially affecting profitability and operational strategies.

Energising Change: Electric Vehicle Production Incentives

In a forward-looking move, the budget introduces incentives for electric vehicle production, signalling a green shift in the automotive sector. This not only opens avenues for innovation and investment but also aligns with global environmental trends, offering tax incentives for businesses venturing into sustainable transportation solutions.

Strategic Insights for Business Owners

In light of these tax proposals, business owners stand at a crossroads. The path forward involves a careful balancing act—leveraging available incentives while mitigating increased tax burdens. Engaging with seasoned financial advisors to navigate the nuances of these changes could prove invaluable, particularly in optimising tax positions and exploring new investment opportunities.

Moreover, the emphasis on sustainability and green technology underscores a broader trend towards environmental consciousness in business operations. For those in the automotive sector, the push towards electric vehicles offers a unique opportunity to pivot towards emerging markets and technologies.

Conclusion: A Call to Adaptive Strategy

As South Africa charts its course through the fiscal year 2024/25, the tax proposals presented by Minister Godongwana beckon a period of adjustment and strategic planning for business owners and their families. Navigating this new fiscal landscape will require resilience, adaptability, and a proactive approach to financial management. With the right strategies supported by financial and tax experts, businesses can not only withstand the challenges posed by these tax changes but also seize new opportunities for growth and innovation.

Please note that the above is for information purposes only and does not constitute tax/financial advice. As everyone’s personal circumstances vary, we recommend they seek advice on the matter. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, Nexia SAB&T does not accept responsibility for any inaccuracies or errors contained herein.


Article prepared by: Stefan Diederiks CA(SA)

Entrepreneurial Business Services Director, Registered Tax Practitioner


For any queries or further information, please contact:

• Hassen Kajie

Entrepreneurial Business Services Director

M: (+27) 82 333 3389 | E:

• Yousuf Hassen

Entrepreneurial Business Services Director

M: (+27) 82 333 3376 | E:


Source: The South African Revenue Services