Progress reported in government and business partnership, with commitment to further accelerate key actions

Written on 08/08/2023
Nexia SAB&T

The government and business leaders have announced the progress made in their partnership to address the most pressing challenges facing the country. The partnership, which was launched last year, aims to foster collaboration and innovation across sectors and regions, and to leverage the strengths and opportunities of both public and private actors. Some of the key achievements of the partnership include inter alia:

- The establishment of a green recovery fund to support the transition to a low-carbon economy, investing in renewable energy, clean transportation, and circular economy initiatives.

- The launch of a digital transformation program to enhance the competitiveness and resilience of businesses, especially small and medium enterprises, by providing access to digital tools, skills, and infrastructure.

- The development of a social inclusion strategy to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace and society, addressing the gaps and barriers faced by marginalized groups such as women, youth, ethnic minorities, and persons with disabilities.

- Operationalising the Joint Initiative on Crime and Corruption. The JICC is being operationalised, including identifying clear focus areas and establishing appropriate structures to facilitate support.

The government and business leaders have expressed their satisfaction with the progress made so far, and have reaffirmed their commitment to further accelerate the implementation of key actions. They have also agreed to expand the scope of the partnership to cover new areas such as health care, education, and security. They have invited other stakeholders such as civil society organizations, academia, and media to join the partnership and contribute to its success.

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