Global Corporate Tax Changes: Advice Is More Crucial Than Ever
Nexia SAB&T on 29/11/2024

Global Corporate Tax Changes: Advice Is More Crucial Than Ever

There have been significant shifts in the corporate income tax landscape of late – not only in South Africa, but across the globe. The global minimum tax is a pertinent example. And although its immediate impact is on large multinationals, the changes could well benefit local businesses in the long term.

Not Another Lanyard! How To Make the Most of Promotional Gifts
Nexia SAB&T on 29/11/2024

Not Another Lanyard! How To Make the Most of Promotional Gifts

Anyone who’s attended a conference or expo has been given a promotional gift. Usually, it’s a water bottle, a pen or, worse still, a branded lanyard. It’s got so bad that very few of us understand why they even exist, including the marketing teams themselves.

6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Employees’ Performance Reviews
Nexia SAB&T on 29/11/2024

6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Employees’ Performance Reviews

With the end of the year around the corner, many businesses will be thinking of conducting their annual performance reviews. These discussions are essential for streamlining business operations and strengthening the bonds between team leaders and employees. But all too often they’re viewed as nothing more than a necessary evil by all involved.

Five Signs It’s Time for a Rebrand
Nexia SAB&T on 04/10/2024

Five Signs It’s Time for a Rebrand

Marketing is a tricky game with ever-changing rules. When your marketing doesn’t seem to be working and you aren’t getting the results you want, it might be time to go back to the drawing board.

How To Avoid an eFiling Profile Hijacking
Nexia SAB&T on 04/10/2024

How To Avoid an eFiling Profile Hijacking

SARS eFiling profile hijackings are becoming an increasingly concerning and common hazard. Reports of this type of cybercrime have peaked in recent months and both individuals and businesses must take proactive steps to prevent an attack.

How to Survive Trust Tax Season 2024
Nexia SAB&T on 12/09/2024

How to Survive Trust Tax Season 2024

Trustees take note! The 2024 Tax Season for trusts opens on 16 September this year and will close on 20 January 2025. During this time, all trusts – including dormant trusts – are required to submit income tax returns aligned with other SARS reporting requirements and accompanied by extensive supporting documents.

5 Top Tips for Managing Debt in Your Startup
Nexia SAB&T on 12/09/2024

5 Top Tips for Managing Debt in Your Startup

Whether you’re launching a fintech app or a fish ’n chips shop, taking on and managing debt is an essential component in the success of most startups. As your business grows, it may be necessary to take out a loan for advertising, infrastructure improvement or expanding your workforce.

Beware the Taxman When Accessing Your Three-Pot Retirement Savings!
Nexia SAB&T on 12/09/2024

Beware the Taxman When Accessing Your Three-Pot Retirement Savings!

Two new ‘pots’ have been added to SA’s retirement system from 1 September 2024. This allows South Africans to access a portion of their retirement savings before retirement, without having to resign their jobs and withdraw all their savings, as before.

Is Venture Capital Right for Your Business?
Nexia SAB&T on 02/07/2024

Is Venture Capital Right for Your Business?

Few methods of finance in business cause as much confusion as “venture capital”. To most, it’s just money tech businesses get in return for a game changing idea. But the truth is it may be just the tool to help your business, regardless of what you do, how long you’ve been around or how many people you employ.

5 Top Employee Retention Strategies
Nexia SAB&T on 02/07/2024

5 Top Employee Retention Strategies

Remote work, freelancing, and the gig economy have changed the face of business completely. The ease with which employees can sell their time, change jobs, or work for global brands means the competition for top talent has never been more aggressive.

How to Breeze Through a SARS Audit
Nexia SAB&T on 02/07/2024

How to Breeze Through a SARS Audit

Nobody wants to go through a SARS audit, as collating all the documents requires time, money and effort. What’s more, it may result in the levying of understatement penalties of up to 200% with the harsher 200% penalty applying in instances where the taxpayer is either obstructive or is a repeat offender.

Quick Tips for Preventing Time Fraud
Nexia SAB&T on 12/06/2024

Quick Tips for Preventing Time Fraud

Fraud: it’s a word that strikes fear into every business owner’s heart and something any good leader takes steps to avoid. By hiring an accountant, you have already gone a long way toward ensuring no one will be able to slip finances out of your company illegally, but did you know there is another, more insidious kind of fraud that’s just as dangerous? Time fraud.

Five Things You Need to do After the CIPC Hack
Nexia SAB&T on 10/05/2024

Five Things You Need to do After the CIPC Hack

On the 1st of March 2024, South Africa’s official regulatory body for registering companies, co-operatives, and intellectual property rights (including trademarks, patents, designs and copyrights), the CIPC, put a notice on its website about a hacking incident on Thursday, the 29th of February 2024.

How and When to Save a Struggling Start-Up
Nexia SAB&T on 10/05/2024

How and When to Save a Struggling Start-Up

When people speak about start-ups, they often only mention the successful ones. Stats, however, show that five years after founding only half of all businesses are still alive and after ten years only one third remain. The list of reasons for this is endless, ranging from a lack of capital to volatile markets and poor hiring choices.