Page 19 - Nexia SAB&T Property & Tax Guide 2022
P. 19


       Please note that the information contained in this section is not exhaustive and serves as a
       brief overview of the Consumer Protection Act (68 of 2008), hereinafter referred to as the CPA,
       as it specifically relates to property related transactions. There are still many ambiguities and
       uncertainties surrounding some of the provisions of the Act which only time (and the courts)
       will be able to interpret and clarify. You are strongly advised to contact our offices for further
       advice or consultation on this topic.
       Scope of the Act:
       The CPA regulates the activities of suppliers and creates rights for consumers in the event
       that they fall within the ambit and scope of the Act. The CPA applies to every transaction
       occurring within SA, and covers both goods or services delivered or rendered “in the ordinary
       course of business” and it applies to transactions which suppliers enter into with consumers
       (a transaction refers to the supply of goods or services in return for payment). It therefore covers:
       ◆ The promotion and advertising of goods or services that could lead to the transaction
          being entered into (unless exempted), the performance of the service and the supply of
          goods, the goods and services themselves after the transaction is completed, and the
          goods which form the subject of an exempted transaction.
       The CPA does not apply to certain consumers, certain transactions, or in specific instances
       where exempted by the Minister.
       Summary of Consumer/Supplier:
        A person to whom goods or
        services are marketed in the   Consumer  Supplier  Any person who markets
                                                any goods or services
        ordinary course of business
          of the supplier
                                               Can be a trust, company, CC,
                       Juristic persons with   Any individual or   body corporate, partnership,
                       asset value or turnover   Juristic Person  association, organ of state
        The following are NOT   less than R2 million
        consumers/do not fall within
        the ambit of the Act:        Can reside in or
        Juristic persons whose asset   All individuals  outside RSA or have   Includes all service providers
                                               and intermediaries of those
        value or turnover is R2 million   principal office in or
        or more                       outside RSA  goods and services acting
                                                in the ordinary course of
        The State        Franchisees            business (includes estate
        Services supplied under                    agents)
        employment contract           Franchisors
        Credit Agreement transactions  Any user of particular
        Collective bargaining   goods or a recipient or   Can be Non-Profit or   Can include those operating
                       beneficiary of services
        agreements     (may not have been party   For Profit  in the supply chain as
        Exemptions granted by the   to the transaction)  producer, importer,
        Minister                                distributor, or retailer
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