Is Venture Capital Right for Your Business?
Nexia SAB&T on 02/07/2024

Is Venture Capital Right for Your Business?

Few methods of finance in business cause as much confusion as “venture capital”. To most, it’s just money tech businesses get in return for a game changing idea. But the truth is it may be just the tool to help your business, regardless of what you do, how long you’ve been around or how many people you employ.

5 Top Employee Retention Strategies
Nexia SAB&T on 02/07/2024

5 Top Employee Retention Strategies

Remote work, freelancing, and the gig economy have changed the face of business completely. The ease with which employees can sell their time, change jobs, or work for global brands means the competition for top talent has never been more aggressive.

How to Breeze Through a SARS Audit
Nexia SAB&T on 02/07/2024

How to Breeze Through a SARS Audit

Nobody wants to go through a SARS audit, as collating all the documents requires time, money and effort. What’s more, it may result in the levying of understatement penalties of up to 200% with the harsher 200% penalty applying in instances where the taxpayer is either obstructive or is a repeat offender.

The Government of National Unity impact on the economic future of South Africa
Nexia SAB&T on 01/07/2024

The Government of National Unity impact on the economic future of South Africa

President Cyril Ramaphosa has recently announced the formation of a Government of National Unity (GNU) in South Africa. This decision was made in response to the clear desire of South Africa’s people for political parties to cooperate for the nation’s future. The GNU is a coalition of 11 parties that have committed to collaborating together.

SARS Announces Auto-Assessment and Digital Platforms for a Seamless Filing Season
Nexia SAB&T on 01/07/2024

SARS Announces Auto-Assessment and Digital Platforms for a Seamless Filing Season

The South African Revenue Service (SARS) has recently made an important announcement regarding the upcoming Filing Season. ​ In line with their commitment to making the process easier and more convenient for taxpayers, SARS will be implementing auto-assessment for a larger pool of taxpayers this year. ​ Additionally, they have introduced various digital platforms to facilitate seamless interactions with taxpayers. Here is an overview of the announcement and highlights the key points for taxpayers to take note of.

Operation Vulindlela: A Path to Economic Reform and Democratic Alliance Support
Nexia SAB&T on 01/07/2024

Operation Vulindlela: A Path to Economic Reform and Democratic Alliance Support

Operation Vulindlela (OV) has emerged as a crucial initiative in South Africa, aimed at accelerating the implementation of structural reforms to foster economic growth. Recently, a successful two-day conference was held to assess the progress made by OV and chart the way forward for the next five years. ​ This article will delve into the key highlights of Operation Vulindlela and explore the support it has garnered, including that of the Democratic Alliance (DA).

CIPC Implements Stricter Beneficial Ownership Declaration Requirements for Companies and Close Corporations
Nexia SAB&T on 01/07/2024

CIPC Implements Stricter Beneficial Ownership Declaration Requirements for Companies and Close Corporations

In a recent media release, the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) announced the enforcement of stricter regulations regarding the filing of Beneficial Ownership Declarations with Annual Returns for companies and close corporations. ​ This move is in response to the amendments made to the Companies Act, 2008, by the General Laws (anti-Money Laundering and Combatting Terrorism Financing) Amendment Act, 22 of 2022. ​ The aim of these regulations is to promote transparency, combat financial crimes, and enhance corporate governance in South Africa.

Quick Tips for Preventing Time Fraud
Nexia SAB&T on 12/06/2024

Quick Tips for Preventing Time Fraud

Fraud: it’s a word that strikes fear into every business owner’s heart and something any good leader takes steps to avoid. By hiring an accountant, you have already gone a long way toward ensuring no one will be able to slip finances out of your company illegally, but did you know there is another, more insidious kind of fraud that’s just as dangerous? Time fraud.

The Benefits of Business Process Automation
Nexia SAB&T on 10/06/2024

The Benefits of Business Process Automation

Over the past years business process automation, or BPA, has become more accessible to each and every business, regardless of their size or capacity. Thanks so numerous plug-and-play software and applications that are readily available online, you do not even need a whole tech team to implement and maintain automation within your business,

Five Things You Need to do After the CIPC Hack
Nexia SAB&T on 10/05/2024

Five Things You Need to do After the CIPC Hack

On the 1st of March 2024, South Africa’s official regulatory body for registering companies, co-operatives, and intellectual property rights (including trademarks, patents, designs and copyrights), the CIPC, put a notice on its website about a hacking incident on Thursday, the 29th of February 2024.

How and When to Save a Struggling Start-Up
Nexia SAB&T on 10/05/2024

How and When to Save a Struggling Start-Up

When people speak about start-ups, they often only mention the successful ones. Stats, however, show that five years after founding only half of all businesses are still alive and after ten years only one third remain. The list of reasons for this is endless, ranging from a lack of capital to volatile markets and poor hiring choices.

How to Use AI in Formulating a Business Strategy
Nexia SAB&T on 08/05/2024

How to Use AI in Formulating a Business Strategy

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way businesses operate, making it an essential component of a modern business strategy. Here’s how you can incorporate AI into your business strategy: