Five Signs It’s Time for a Rebrand
Nexia SAB&T on 04/10/2024

Five Signs It’s Time for a Rebrand

Marketing is a tricky game with ever-changing rules. When your marketing doesn’t seem to be working and you aren’t getting the results you want, it might be time to go back to the drawing board.

SMEs Embrace AI to Boost Efficiency and Competitiveness
Nexia SAB&T on 01/10/2024

SMEs Embrace AI to Boost Efficiency and Competitiveness

Berlin, October 2023 — Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance their operations, improve customer experiences, and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market. ​ A recent study published in the Journal of Business Management highlights the key AI applications being adopted by SMEs and the challenges they face in implementation. ​The findings reveal that while only 28% of SMEs have integrated AI solutions, those that have are seeing significant benefits. ​

5 Top Tips for Managing Debt in Your Startup
Nexia SAB&T on 12/09/2024

5 Top Tips for Managing Debt in Your Startup

Whether you’re launching a fintech app or a fish ’n chips shop, taking on and managing debt is an essential component in the success of most startups. As your business grows, it may be necessary to take out a loan for advertising, infrastructure improvement or expanding your workforce.

Is Venture Capital Right for Your Business?
Nexia SAB&T on 02/07/2024

Is Venture Capital Right for Your Business?

Few methods of finance in business cause as much confusion as “venture capital”. To most, it’s just money tech businesses get in return for a game changing idea. But the truth is it may be just the tool to help your business, regardless of what you do, how long you’ve been around or how many people you employ.

5 Top Employee Retention Strategies
Nexia SAB&T on 02/07/2024

5 Top Employee Retention Strategies

Remote work, freelancing, and the gig economy have changed the face of business completely. The ease with which employees can sell their time, change jobs, or work for global brands means the competition for top talent has never been more aggressive.

Quick Tips for Preventing Time Fraud
Nexia SAB&T on 12/06/2024

Quick Tips for Preventing Time Fraud

Fraud: it’s a word that strikes fear into every business owner’s heart and something any good leader takes steps to avoid. By hiring an accountant, you have already gone a long way toward ensuring no one will be able to slip finances out of your company illegally, but did you know there is another, more insidious kind of fraud that’s just as dangerous? Time fraud.

The Benefits of Business Process Automation
Nexia SAB&T on 10/06/2024

The Benefits of Business Process Automation

Over the past years business process automation, or BPA, has become more accessible to each and every business, regardless of their size or capacity. Thanks so numerous plug-and-play software and applications that are readily available online, you do not even need a whole tech team to implement and maintain automation within your business,

How and When to Save a Struggling Start-Up
Nexia SAB&T on 10/05/2024

How and When to Save a Struggling Start-Up

When people speak about start-ups, they often only mention the successful ones. Stats, however, show that five years after founding only half of all businesses are still alive and after ten years only one third remain. The list of reasons for this is endless, ranging from a lack of capital to volatile markets and poor hiring choices.

The Importance of Strategic Planning for Business Success
Nexia SAB&T on 11/04/2024

The Importance of Strategic Planning for Business Success

Strategic planning is not just a buzzword; it’s a critical process that can significantly impact the success and longevity of your business. Whether you’re a startup or an established company, having a well-defined strategic plan is essential. Let’s delve into why strategic planning matters and how it can benefit your organization.

Employer Annual Declarations (EMP501): 1 April to 31 May 2024
Nexia SAB&T on 11/04/2024

Employer Annual Declarations (EMP501): 1 April to 31 May 2024

As an employer, it’s essential to stay informed about your tax obligations. The Employer Annual Declaration period is a crucial time when you need to submit accurate information to the South African Revenue Service (SARS). Let’s dive into the details:

Freelancer vs Employee: How to Decide
Nexia SAB&T on 11/04/2024

Freelancer vs Employee: How to Decide

With so much of the population now working remotely as contractors or freelancers, the traditional employer/employee model is being scrutinised more closely than ever before. While considered a classic form of doing things, there is little doubt that the full-time employee still has much to offer a company, in the right circumstances.

Priced for Success
Nexia SAB&T on 11/04/2024

Priced for Success

Price Your Products for Profit with these Psychological Strategies

Have Your Own Budget Shortfall? Here’s What to Do…
Nexia SAB&T on 11/04/2024

Have Your Own Budget Shortfall? Here’s What to Do…

Government’s approach to balance this year’s National Budget 2024 shortfall of R15 billion didn’t set a positive example for South African individuals and businesses that face the same economic challenges but are, unlike government, unable to side-step spending cuts by squeezing taxpayers and tapping into national reserves. Given the economic conditions, business and personal budget shortfalls are not uncommon. Find out here why it is so important to balance your own budgets and what to do when facing a shortfall without compromising your capacity to achieve your goals.

The Five Skills Your Business Needs to Cultivate in 2024
Nexia SAB&T on 05/03/2024

The Five Skills Your Business Needs to Cultivate in 2024

If you are like the vast majority of companies out there, you are neglecting employee training and it’s going to cost your business. This is the warning coming out of the Harvard Business review which reported that one of the main reasons top talent leaves an organisation is that they feel their career development is not being supported.

Things to Look for When Buying a Small Business
Nexia SAB&T on 05/03/2024

Things to Look for When Buying a Small Business

On the surface, buying into a small business can seem easy. There aren’t a lot of laws to negotiate, and payment can often be done in a single cash-based transaction. However, there are a lot of hidden pitfalls that could make this one of the worst decisions of a person’s life.