Page 39 - Nexia SAB&T Trust Guide 2022
P. 39

Documents Required by Master to Register   Inter Vivos   Testamentary
        the Trust                     Trust     Trust

        Trustee(s) Identification – Certified copies
        of ID / Passport / Organisation Proof of   ✔  ✔
        Registration (CK1)
        Trustee(s) Representative Identification –
        Certified copies of ID or Passport (Mandatory   ✔  ✔
        for Organisation Trustee(s))
        Beneficiaries Identification – Certified Copies
        of ID or Birth Certificates / Passport /  ✔  ✔
        Organisation (CKI)
        Bond of security by the trustees – form J344
        (if required by the Master)   ✔          ✔
        Final Certified Court order (if applicable)  ✔  ✔

       Deregistration of a trust
       The Trust Property Control Act makes no provision for the deregistration of a
       trust. The common law, however makes provision for the termination of a trust by
       operation of law in the following circumstances:
         ■ By statute.
         ■ Trust objective has been realised.
         ■ Failure of the beneficiary.
         ■ Renunciation or repudiation of rights by the beneficiary.
         ■ Trust assets have been destroyed without fault on the part of the trustee.
         ■ Operation of a resolutive condition.
       If a trust can be terminated on one of the above grounds then the Master will
       deregister a trust. For the termination of a trust the following documents are required:
         ■ The original Letters of Authority.
         ■ A trustee resolution resolving to deregister the trust (where applicable).

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