Page 23 - Nexia SAB&T Business in South Africa Guide 2024
P. 23


        A copyright is an exclusive right granted by law for a limited period to an author,
        designer, etc. for original work that is reduced to material form.
        Generally a person who has written, printed, published, performed, sculpted,
        painted, filmed or recorded a work, is automatically the owner of the copyright
        to that work. Copyright is created by putting the words “copyright” or “copyright
        reserved” or “copyright ABC 2013” (i.e. copyright, followed by name and the
        year), or the copyright symbol, name and year e.g. © ABC 2013. You can obtain
        copyright protection in SA, if you are a South African or if your work was produced
        in SA. If you are not South African, you can obtain copyright protection provided
        the country you are a national of is part of the Berne Convention. Copyright for
        films / videos made for commercial use needs to be applied for formally, by way of
        the following documentation, obtainable free of charge, from the Copyright Office.
        Length of Protection
        The lifespan of copyright depends on the type of work protected.
        The copyright of literacy works lasts for fifty years after death of the author. The
        copyright of computer programs lasts for fifty years after the first copies were made
        available to the public. For sound recordings, the copyright lasts for fifty years from
        the day the work was first broadcast and for films, it lasts for fifty years from the
        date the film was shown.
        Rights of Holder
        Copyright affords the author the exclusive right to use, sell or license the copyright
        work, and to stop others from copying or using his work without his permission. The
        author can also conclude license agreements with the users for his copyright works
        and enjoy royalties payment from the licensees.
        Enforcement and Remedies
        Copyright Act, 98 of 1978
        It is the responsibility of the author to prove ownership and also to sue in case of

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