Page 3 - Nexia SAB&T Estate Planning Guide 2024
P. 3


       Important note and disclaimer                   2
       What is Estate Planning?                        3
       Who needs to do Estate Planning?                4
          Who should be involved?                      4
       Aims of Estate Planning                         6
       Marriages in SA: Legislation                    9
       Tools for Estate Planning                      10
          Introduction                                10
          The Last Will and Testament                 10
          Trusts                                      20
          Donations                                   30
          Matrimonial Property Regimes                33
          Assurance Policies                          36
       Foreign assets of a South African resident     38
       Business Succession Planning                   40
       Estate Duty                                    44
          A  General                                  44
          B  Property                                 44
          C  Deemed property                          45
          D  Deductions                               47
          E  Rebates                                  49
       Death and Taxes                                50
          Income Tax: General                         50
          Specific Income Tax Considerations         51
          Income Tax and Estate Planning              51
          Capital Gains Tax: General                  51
       Transfer Duty                                  56
       The Living Will                                58
       Storage of Estate Planning documents           58
       Davis Tax Committee                            61
       Revising the Estate Plan                       62
       Important points to bear in mind               63
       Notes                                          64

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