Page 40 - Nexia SAB&T Property & Tax Guide 2022
P. 40

        ADVANTAGES              6.   Shareholders agreement can neatly regulate the
        1.  CC, trust, company can be shareholders  relationship between the shareholders (subject
        2.   Strictly controlled by legislation   to the MOI and Act)
          Companies Act (71 of 2008) as amended  7.   A bond may be registered subject to the
        3.   Can have more than 10 shareholders  solvency and liquidity requirements of
        4.   Has greater image value than a CC or a   Section 44
          trust as a business vehicle
        5.   Relatively easy sale of interest through a   DISADVANTAGES
          sale of shares        1.   The costs of annual audit (where applicable)
                                2.   Complex legislation to comply with
                           CLOSE CORPORATION
        1.   Management is also represented by   1.   Membership limited to 10
          members who hold interest in the CC  2.   Since 2011, no new CC’s may be registered
        ADVANTAGES                6.   Trust deed can be set up so as to determine
        1.   The trust is treated as an entity separate   the manner in which Trustee administers the
          from the individuals    fixed property and the Trustee is dutybound to
        2.   Assets don’t form part of the insolvent   obey these wishes
          estate in the event of sequestration
        3.   Strict controls – Trustees accountable to   DISADVANTAGES
          Master of the High Court  1.  Cannot be sold as an entity
        4.   Special trusts formed for mentally ill or   2.   The beneficiaries normally have discretionary
          seriously disabled, will be allowed CGT   rights which are not assets that can be sold
          exemption if primary residence (and   such as shares
          meets other requirements to qualify)  3.   Trustees cannot act until Letters of Authority
        5.   Special trusts – taxed at individual rates  have been issued
        Transferring property into a trust should be considered in light of recent tax law amendments – trusts
        should no longer be created to simply limit taxes, but may still have other benefits. Each situation
        should be considered on its own merits (with the aid of specialists in the field).
                         APPLICABLE TO ALL ENTITIES
        1.   Separate legal personality (CC’s and   1.   CGT – where property is held in Company/CC,
          Companies)              ordinary trust, and special testamentary trust,
        2.   If shares held in trust, may protect the   no primary residence exemption allowed
          shares as long as not offered as security   2.   Dividends tax levied on the shareholder at a rate
          against a loan          of 20% on the amount of any dividend paid by
        3.  Shares/Members interests can be sold  a company (subject to certain exemptions). The
        4.   Continues to exist as an entity even in   tax is to be withheld by the company paying the
          event of death or resignation of member/  taxable dividends and paid across to SARS
          shareholder/director/trustee  3.   Transfer of members interest, shares – subject to
        5.   Need not be in existence at time of   Securities Transfer Tax at a rate of 0.25% on the
          signing agreement (CC’s and Companies)  transfer of listed or unlisted securities
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