Page 54 - Nexia SAB&T Trust Guide 2024
P. 54


        Case          Court Decision     Relevance
        IK v MK 2020  The trustee was using trust(s)  A spouse who
                      as his alter-ego and the trust   anticipates an
                      instruments were drafted   imminent divorce,
                      in such a way as to benefit   cannot use trust(s) to
                      the husband (in this case)   conceal asset(s) that
                      and to give him control over   the founder(s) and
                      the trusts’ assets. He could   trustee(s) are not willing
                      decide how, when and if, his   to disclose to interested
                      wife would benefit from the   parties. One cannot
                      trust(s). The judge ordered   mingle personal assets
                      that the “veil” protecting   with trust assets.
                      the trust(s) be pierced to
                      determine the accrual of
                      the husband’s estate in the
                      divorce proceedings.
        Jordaan vs Jordaan   Trust was the founder’s alter   Separation of
        2001          ego (founder treated trust   ownership (or control)
                      assets as his own), assets   from enjoyment is
                      were subject to division.  fundamental in creating
                                         a valid trust.
        Doyle v Board of   Beneficiaries are entitled to   Trustees must keep
        Executors 1999  have access to the books of   accurate records and
                      account of the trust.  act in good faith.

        Potgieter v Potgieter   Beneficiary had not agreed to  Once a beneficiary has
        NO 2012       amendment of trust deed so   accepted his rights,
                      agreement was invalid.  any change to the trust
                                         deed must be agreed
                                         by the beneficiary.

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