Companies Amendment Act 16 of 2024
Leave and employee benefits
Financial instruments: Day 1 gains or losses
Lease term and classification
Government Grants
Presentation of OCI
IRBA Enhanced Auditor Reporting Rule
IFRS trademark guidelines
Budget highlights for 2024/25
New IFRS standards effective from 2023
Maximising Your Travel Deductions in the 2025 Budget Year
As South African taxpayers grapple with the implications of tax bracket creep in the 2025 budget, it's crucial to understand how certain allowances and benefits, such as travel allowances, company car fringe benefits, and reimbursive travel allowances can impact your tax liability. Due to the non-adjustment of tax brackets, many are unwittingly pushed into higher tax brackets, increasing their tax burden. However, strategic planning and awareness can help mitigate these effects.
INVESTMENT ENTITIES – to consolidate or not consolidate
What is an investment entity?
AMENDMENTS TO GRAP – Impact Analysis for the Current Financial Year
The Accounting Standards Board of South Africa (ASB) issued various amendments to GRAP Standards of which the Minister of Finance approved some to be effective in Government Gazette No.44881 on 13 August 2021. Entities applying GRAP are required1 to disclose the impact of these in their financial statements.
CREDIT CARDS – Cash equivalent or Trade creditor?
Cash comprises cash on hand and demand deposits.
Equity vs liability classification of loans
IFRS9: ECL on intercompany loans with low credit risk
Entities in a group often provide financing to each other. This financing could be at market-terms or at non-market terms. In this month’s tip we will discuss those loans with a low credit risk at the reporting date. A loan is determined to have low credit risk if:
Retention of Records
An entity’s document retention and destruction policy is entity-specific based on the laws and regulations applicable to that entity. Based on the different types of documents that an entity has and the different rules governing the retention of these documents, the process can be very daunting. However it is crucial for any business to have these policies in place due to the implications of not having the documents available e.g. whether due to legal repercussions or due to conflicts with clients and/or suppliers and/or employees.
IAS 8 AMENDMENT New definition for Accounting Estimates
Amended IAS 8 removes the definition of a change in accounting estimates and replaced it with a new definition for Accounting Estimates. Entities often struggle to differentiate between changes in accounting policies and changes in accounting estimates. Diversity in practice has been noted in this regard. The amendment aims to reduce the diversity.
New Amendments effective 1 January 2022
New Amendments will come into effect 1 January 2022, with regards to:
IFRS 9: ECL on intercompany loans repayable on demand
Entities in a group often provide financing to each other. This financing could be at market terms or at non-market terms. Those loans which are entered into at market terms do not result in significant accounting considerations. This month our focus is on how to calculate the expected credit loss (ECL) on intercompany loans which are repayable on demand.
Applying the 3-Stage Impairment Model to Intercompany Loans
As intercompany loans are eliminated on consolidation for subsidiaries, no financial assets or liabilities related to intercompany loans are recorded in the consolidated financial statements. This negates the requirement to consider impairment of these financial assets in respect of consolidated financial statements. However, the implications of impairment on intercompany loans should still be considered when separate financial statements are prepared.
The Protection of Personal Information Act (Popia) – Compliance
The right to privacy is constitutionally entrenched in the South African Bill of Rights. In this regard, section 14 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act, No. 108 of 1996 provides as follows:
IFRS 3 Business Combinations – New definition of Business
Amendments were made to the definition of a ‘business’, with the aim of helping entities to determine whether a transaction should be accounted for as an asset acquisition or a business combination in terms of IFRS 3.