Page 29 - Nexia SAB&T Trust Guide 2022
P. 29


        Fiduciary Duties  Statutory Duties   Other Common Law
                        in Terms of Trust   Duties
                        Property Control Act

        Always exercise powers   Act with Care, Diligence  Act within limits of
        in good faith, acting   and Skill  authority
        independently and   (Sect.9)
        Always avoid a conflict   Lodge trust instrument   Know and obey terms of
        between personal interests  with Master of the High   the trust instrument
        and official fiduciary   Court
        duties          (Sect.4)
        Act exclusively in the   Provide Master of   Properly identify the
        best interests of all trust   the High Court with   beneficiaries of the trust
        beneficiaries   trustee’s address/
                        change of address

        Fulfill duties impartially   Provide Master of   Make sure required
        and in good faith  the High Court with   number of trustees is in
                        security/exemption   place
                        from security
        Do not make a profit   Obtain written   Act unanimously with
        (directly/indirectly) from   authorisation to   other trustees
        trust administration  act as trustee

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