Page 32 - Nexia SAB&T Trust Guide 2022
P. 32

A co-trustee who was not involved with a breach of trust may nevertheless be
       liable for any wrongful action of another trustee if the “innocent” trustee’s
       ignorance and/or inactivity is causally connected to the damage incurred. For
       example: where the “innocent trustee” is aware of a breach of trust by co-trustees
       but does not report it, or where the “innocent trustee” improperly allows trust funds
       to remain in the sole control of co-trustees.
       Section 19 of the Trust Property Control Act states that if any trustee fails to comply
       with a request by the Master in terms of Section 16, or to perform any duty imposed
       upon him by the trust instrument or by law, the Master or any person having an
       interest in the trust property, may apply to the court for an order directing the trustee
       to comply with such request or to perform such duty. Section 16 refers to the situation
       where the Master requests in writing that a trustee shall account to the Master, to his
       satisfaction, and in accordance with the Master’s requirements, for his administration
       and disposal of trust property and to deliver to the Master any book, record, account
       or document relating to his administration or disposal of the trust property, and shall,
       to the best of his ability, answer honestly and truthfully any question put to him by
       the Master in connection with the administration and disposal of the trust property.
       The Master may, if he deems it necessary, cause an investigation to be carried out
       by a fit and proper person appointed by him into the trustee’s administration and
       disposal of trust property, and shall make such order as he deems fit in connection
       with the costs of the investigation.
       In addition, any person who feels aggrieved by an authorisation, appointment or
       removal of a trustee by the Master or by any decision, order or direction of the
       Master made or issued under the Trust Property Control Act, may apply to the court
       for relief, and the court shall have the power to consider the merits of any such
       matter, to take evidence and to make any order it deems fit.

       Reporting of Irregularities by an Auditor of the trust
       If an irregularity in connection with the administration of a trust comes to the notice
       of a person who audits the accounts of a trust, such a person shall, if in his opinion
       it is a material irregularity, report it in writing to the trustee/s, and if such irregularity
       is not rectified to the satisfaction of such person within one month as from the date
       upon which it was reported to the trustee/s, that person shall report it in writing to
       the Master of the High Court.
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