Page 30 - Nexia SAB&T Trust Guide 2022
P. 30

Fiduciary Duties  Statutory Duties   Other Common Law
                        in Terms of Trust   Duties
                        Property Control Act
                        Open separate bank   Make proper distributions
                        account for trust  to identified beneficiaries
                        (Sect.10)      and distinguish between
                                       income and capital

                        Register and identify   Hold regular meetings
                        trust property  and keep proper records
                         (trust property must be  of meetings
                        clearly designated)
                        Take control of the trust  Keep proper accounting
                        assets and keep these   records and prepare
                        clearly separate from   financial statements and
                        personal property  tax returns
                        Protect trust’s   Comply with all applicable
                        documents – do not   legislation e.g. Income
                        destroy before 5 years   Tax Act, Banks Act etc.
                        after trust is terminated
                        Keep proper records   Implement proper
                        and accounts of   systems of internal control
        Preserve the trust             Invest productively,
        property and keep it free      wisely and in accordance
        from burdens such as           with sound governance
        mortgages, pledges and         principals

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