Page 61 - Nexia SAB&T Business in South Africa Guide 2024
P. 61


        Permanent Offer of   Issued to a person who has received a permanent offer of
        Employment  employment in SA and is holder of a work visa for continuous
                    5 years.
        Critical Skills  Issued to a person who is a foreign national and has
                    demonstrated and meets the criteria in terms of the critical skills
                    list, and holds a permanent contract of employment in SA.
        Direct Residence  Issued to a foreign national who is the holder of a work
                    permit for a number of years, and has received an offer of
                    employment on a permanent basis (or is the spouse of a SA
                    citizen or permanent resident).
        Child of a   Full birth certificate of the child.
        South African
        or Permanent
        Resident or Citizen
        Exceptional Skills   The applicant must demonstrate critical skills and also
        Category    demonstrate over and above these, that he has extraordinary
                    skills or qualifications. No need for a permanent contract of
        Business Category   Issued to a foreign national who intends to establish or invest in
        (Establishing a   an established business in SA. The applicant will be required to
        Business in SA)  invest a prescribed financial capital contribution.
        Relative Category  Issued to a foreign national who is a member of the immediate
                    family of a South African citizen or permanent resident, provided
                    the latter provides the ‘prescribed’ financial assurances.
        Spousal Category  Issued to a foreigner who has been married to or the life partner
                    of a South African spouse for at least five years before applying
                    for permanent residence.
        Retirement   Issued to a retired person provided that person can prove that
        Category    he has the right to a pension or irrevocable retirement annuity
                    with a minimum value of R37 000 per month, or a net worth of
                    R37 000 per month.

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