Page 13 - Nexia SAB&T Property & Tax Guide 2022
P. 13

       Section 86(4) of the Legal Practice Act (28 of 2014) allows legal practitioners to invest client
       monies in a separate trust savings account where there is an underlying transaction with an
       explicit mandate from the client to do so. 5% of the interest earned will automatically be paid
       monthly to the Legal Practitioners Fidelity Fund by the bank (which has been approved by
       the LPFF). In addition, the Act requires an attorney who receives written instructions from a
       client, to set out the intended scope of the engagement with clarity and in writing, including
       estimated costs for the services to be provided.
       In order to invest funds, the requirement of disclosure of world-wide tax registration is
       required in terms of the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, and an Inter-Governmental
       Agreement (IGA).

       Where occupation takes place on a particular date and transfer takes place after the date of
       occupation, occupational interest is paid at an agreed amount for the period of occupation
       until transfer. In most cases this is paid by the purchaser, who may take occupation prior to
       transfer being registered. The terms should be stipulated in the deed of sale. In some cases,
       it is the seller who is the one who has to stay on in the property he or she has sold and where
       transfer has been registered. In this case, the seller will be required to pay occupational
       interest to the purchaser. In general, on occupation, risk passes to the purchaser. Clauses
       dealing with occupational interest and risk (who is at risk while the purchaser is in occupation)
       should be included in the deed of sale.
       The contract of sale is required to include clauses which deal with the Electrical, Beetle, Gas
       and Plumbing Certificate (where applicable). The City of Cape Town: Water Amendment By-law,
       2018 provides that the seller must, before the transfer of a property, submit a plumbing
       Certificate of Compliance from a registered plumber (who must be registered with CoCT),
       certifying that any water installation (including alternative water connections) conform to the
       by-law and any National Building Regulations and Standards. Conveyancers attending to the
       transfer of a property are required to ensure that the requisite compliance certificates are
       received well before registration at the Deeds Office.

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