Page 11 - Nexia SAB&T Property & Tax Guide 2022
P. 11

Individual, under 65 years of age, primary residence,
        valued at R1m at 1 October 2001,
        sold 7 March 2022 for R5m, costs to dispose asset were R50 000*
        Taxable income for year ended 28 February 2023 was R500 000
        Proceeds                                   5 000 000
        Less Base Cost                            –1 050 000
        Capital Gain                               3 950 000
        Less primary residence exclusion          –2 000 000
                                                   1 950 000
        Less annual exclusion (indiv)               –40 000
        Net Capital Gain                           1 910 000
        At inclusion rate of 40%                    764 000
        R764 000 as taxable capital gain is included in the taxable income of the individual and
        taxed at the normal tax rates applicable, as follows:
        Taxable income                              500 000
        Taxable capital gain                        764 000
        Total Taxable income                       1 264 000

        Tax per 2023 Tables                         422 476
        Less Rebate                                 –16 425
                                                    406 051

        Tax payable                                 406 051
        R764 000/R1 264 000 × R406 051 = R245 430
        Therefore R245 430 relates to the capital gain. As such the CGT % on the capital gain is
        R245 430/3 950 000 × 100 = 6.21%
        *can include estate agents commission, costs, certificates of compliance (electrical, beetle,
        plumbing, gas and electrical fence compliance certificates, but not selling costs).
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