Page 30 - Nexia SAB&T Business in South Africa Guide 2024
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       The SA Tax regime is set by the National Treasury and managed by the South
       African Revenue Service (SARS). The National Budget Speech is delivered in
       parliament on the last Wednesday in February each year, where announcements
       and proposals are made affecting taxation in SA, and how funds are planned to
       be spent by the Government.

       Double Taxation Agreements
       The tax liability of a foreign company depends on the nature of the income derived
       by it, as well as the existence of a double taxation agreement. SA has agreements
       with most of its trading partners to prevent double taxation of income accruing
       to South African taxpayers from foreign sources, or of income accruing to foreign
       taxpayers from South African sources. In terms of these arrangements a foreign
       resident will be taxed in SA only if it conducts business through a permanent
       establishment in SA (there are a few exceptions such as withholding taxes). Any
       person who is deemed to be a resident of another state through the application
       of a double tax agreement will not be treated as a South African resident.

       Other Key Facts on Taxation in South Africa
       Partnerships are not recognised as separate entities for income tax purposes.
       Each individual partner is taxed separately on his share of the partnership profits.
       There is no group taxation in SA – each company is taxed as a separate taxpayer.
       The financial year end for individuals is end of February every year. Companies
       may select their own financial year end. Companies who derive their income from
       mining, gold mining, oil and gas, and farming may receive special dispensations.
       Residence Based Tax
       South Africans are taxed on their worldwide income, subject to certain exclusions.
       Foreign taxes on that income are allowed as a credit against South African tax
       payable. This is applicable to individuals, companies, CC’s, trusts and estates.

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