Page 32 - Nexia SAB&T Property & Tax Guide 2022
P. 32


       The Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act (8 of 2011) or “STSMA” and The Community
       Schemes Ombud Service Act (9 of 2011), or “CSOSA”, and regulations aim primarily to
       protect owners in sectional title and community schemes and provide for management
       procedures and dispute resolution processes through the Ombud Service.
       Attorneys, Estate Agents, Trustees of Sectional Title Schemes, Directors of Share Block
       Companies, Members of the Management Associations of housing schemes for retired
       persons, Owners, Developers and Managing Agents are required to know the critical aspects
       of the CSOSA. Trustees, Owners, Developers and Managing agents of Sectional Title Schemes
       are required to have knowledge and apply the provisions of the STSMA.
       The following persons/groups of persons involved in Sectional Title Schemes are defined in
       the STSMA as follows:
                           The Body Corporate
        Developer  A person who is the registered owner of land situated within the area of
                jurisdiction of a local municipality, on which is situated or be erected a building
                or buildings which he or she has divided or proposes to divide into two or more
                sections in terms of a scheme.
        Owner   In relation to a unit or a section or an undivided share in the common property
                forming part of such unit, means the person in whose name the unit is
                registered at a deeds registry in terms of the Sectional Titles Act.
        Trustee  All the members (owners) are trustees from the establishment of the body
                corporate until the end of the first general meeting.
       The executives of a community scheme, including the body corporate of a Sectional Title
       Scheme, may appoint Managing Agents to provide the scheme with management services to
       the community scheme for reward.

       The body corporate is automatically established as soon as any person (other than the
       developer) becomes an owner of a unit in the scheme. At such time the developer and such
       persons are the members of the body corporate, and any person who thereafter becomes an
       owner of a unit becomes a member. The developer ceases to be a member when he or she
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