Page 33 - Nexia SAB&T Property & Tax Guide 2022
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ceases to have a share in the common property. The body corporate is responsible for the
       enforcement of the Rules of the scheme, and the control, administration and management
       of the common property. Some of its more important functions are to establish and maintain
       an Administration Fund and Reserve Fund, and to require owners to contribute to these funds
       and to raise these amounts by levying contributions on the owners in proportion to the quotas
       of their respective sections, to insure buildings and keep them insured to the replacement
       value thereof.
       A body corporate or the Trustees are required to prepare a written, ten-year repair, replacement
       and maintenance plan for the common property, setting out a number of items including major
       capital items expected to require maintenance, repair and replacement within the next 10
       years, the estimated cost of such maintenance, repair and replacement and the expected life
       of those items. This plan is used to ascertain Reserve Fund Contributions.
       The developer must convene a meeting of the members of the body corporate not more
       than 60 days after the establishment of the body corporate, and is required to furnish the
       members with information and documentation regarding the scheme. Where a special or
       unanimous resolution will be taken, 30 days’ prior notice must be given to all the members in
       the prescribed form. Votes are calculated in value, or in number, as is set out in section 6(6)
       and (7).
       A person may not act as a proxy for more than 2 members of the body corporate.
       A body corporate or an owner who is unable to obtain a special or unanimous resolution may
       approach the Chief Ombud for relief.
       The body corporate must hold an AGM within 4 months of the end of each financial year,
       unless this requirement is waived. Business must not be transacted at any general meeting
       unless a quorum is present or represented, and the requirements for a quorum to be met are
       set out in detail in the Act.
       Sectional Title schemes are regulated and managed by means of Management and Conduct
       Rules, subject to the STSMA. Management rules exist to specify in detail how the body
       corporate’s operations must be carried out and they also set out the rights and duties of its
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