Page 34 - Nexia SAB&T Property & Tax Guide 2022
P. 34

trustees and members. Conduct rules exist to regulate the behaviour of owners and occupiers,
       setting out their rights and in their use of sections and the common property – for example,
       rules relating to the keeping of animals, reptiles and birds, refuse and waste disposal, vehicles,
       damage to common property, storage of flammable materials and eradication of pests.

       The functions and powers of the body corporate must, (subject to the provisions of the Act,
       the Rules and any restriction imposed or direction given at a general meeting of the owners
       of sections), be performed and exercised by the trustees of the body corporate, holding office
       in terms of the Rules.
       The Management Rules may be amended, added to, repealed, or substituted, as follows:
          By the developer (when applying to   By the body corporate
           open a sectional title register)
        subject to the approval of the Chief Ombud,   by unanimous resolution provided that at
        and provided they are not inconsistent with   such time there are owners (other than the
        any other Management Rule,  developer) of at least 30% of the units in the
                                 scheme (subject to certain exceptions).
       Conduct Rules may be substituted, added to, amended or repealed by special resolution
       of the body corporate (provided that such Conduct Rules may not be irreconcilable with any
       prescribed Management Rule).
              Unanimous resolution      Special resolution
        Means a resolution –     Means a resolution –
        (a)   passed unanimously by all the members   (a)   passed by at least 75% calculated both
          of the body corporate at a meeting at   in value and in number, of the votes of
          which (i) at least 80% calculated both in   the members of a body corporate who
          value and in number, of the votes of all   are represented at a general meeting,
          of the members of a body corporate are   OR
          present or represented, and (ii) all the   (b)   agreed to in writing by members of a
          members who cast their votes do so in   body corporate holding at least 75%
          favour of the resolution, OR  calculated both in value and in number,
        (b)   agreed to in writing by all the members   of all the votes.
          of the body corporate.
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